Friday, January 30, 2009

Thing 19

Book Wink - this offers video summaries of the books Endangered Animals and Quest for the Tree Kangaroo. Students would be quite motivated to read these books simply because of the very interesting introductions.

The WillowWeb had cute radio podcasts. I think students might enjoy creating these because so much learning and interaction is involved. I listened to some quality student experiences as students learned about science.

Poems on sonibyte are nice for those who would like to suscribe to the poem of the day. I did enjoy music links and especially the sixty Second Science. I think short and quick is the key to using these in the classroom. Having them downloaded and ready to go at the appropriate time is important; a number of links were no longer available.

Somewhere along the line I stumbled across the following website. I'm always going off in another direction. This is a good find to explore later!

SanDiego Zoofari Chats provide very informational listening. These would be excellent resources for taking notes, researching a topic, and listening for details and practicing recall of information.These do not include a video but provide a depth of knowledge and information that is fascinating.

The storynory podcasts are cute read-a-longs. They are read by adults with great enthusiasm and expression making these very appealing. Listening with a visual component would be my choice.

Before you could makey our students aware of the many high quality podcasts, it will take a lot of previewing and planning on the part of any teacher. However, if you have a trusted group of Delicious colleagues who share an interest in podcasts for specific purposes, searching time can be cut considerably.

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